Best Ways to Embrace Natural Décor Elements This Holiday Season

Christmas decorations
Photo by Jessica Delp on Unsplash

Christmas is almost two months away, but it’s never too early to start preparing for the holiday season. Natural and organic influences are one of the biggest holiday home décor trends of 2021, and here are some useful tips for welcoming this trend into your home.

Real Christmas Tree

The first step of welcoming natural elements into your home is to buy a real Christmas tree instead of a plastic one. Make sure to take proper care of it because you’ll be able to plant it after the holidays are over if it’s still in a good shape.

Natural Tones

If you want your Christmas tree to have an organic feel, decorations in natural tones are the way to go. Camel, tan and beige hues are your best bet and they’re going stronger than ever this year. They may not seem like the most obvious choice because they’re missing all the dazzle that Christmas is associated with, but they actually offer a softer take on the classic gold hues.

DIY Decorations

You don’t have to break a bank to buy Christmas decorations in natural tones because you can easily make them yourself, with everything from pine cones to dried citrus fruits. If you’re running out of time, you can always buy natural ornaments on Etsy or from local art and crafts vendors.