Cats and architecture—those are two things that don’t seem like they’d go together. But the Instagram account cats_of_brutalism combines cats and architecture and the results couldn’t be cuter. Cats of Brutalism shows just how things would look if cats blew up or cities shrunk with black and white digital manipulations showing cats taking over architecture around the world.
The account was created by three students of Master of Architecture at the University at Buffalo, Emily Battaglia, Madelaine Ong, and Michaela Senay, to give people a “daily dose of cats and concrete” as their Instagram account states. And people are taking notice—the account has almost 100,000 followers.
The idea behind the page was to “promote the preservation of brutalism and the style of brutalist architecture as a whole”, as the artist told Bored Panda.
“We believed the two contrasting subjects, super-scaled cats playing/interacting with it, can bring two communities together, cat lovers and architecture lovers, to educate and genuinely entertain viewers,” Battaglia told the outlet.
The images juxtapose adorable, soft cats laying on, climbing, playing, and scratching the cold, hard architecture. The artists also use photos of cats from adoption sites to help cats find homes.
Follow the account if you want to see cute cats and stunning architecture!