Vincent Callebaut is a True Master of Ecological Architecture

Whenever someone mentions the terms “green” and “ecological” architecture, Vincent Callebaut’s name is the first that comes to mind. He’s a true master of making eco-friendly buildings, which are good for the environment, in addition to looking amazing.

Callebaut is based in Belgium and he founded his own firm Vincent Callebaut Architectures shortly after graduating from the Institute Victor Horta. He spent the last two decades coming up with concepts for futuristic buildings that have the power to change the world.

One thing that all of Callebaut’s buildings have in common is the fact they were built with sustainability in mind. They’re built as urban forests, with plants to provide natural ventilation, and there are systems in place intended to reduce the carbon footprint of each building.

Callebaut is one of the architects responsible for embracing the concept of vertical farms through architecture and he made them an essential part of his buildings. We’re constantly in awe of his futuristic designs, but the best thing about them is that they’re promoting the idea of a more sustainable and eco-friendly world and proving it can look truly amazing.