Lainey Molnar’s Comics are Brutally Honest

Society puts a lot of pressure on women to act and behave in a certain way, and it’s hard to meet all of those expectations. One artist named Lainey Molnar has had enough of it and she decided to empower women by creating honest comics about women’s role in society.

The 31-year-old artist believes that the pressure and expectations relating to being the “perfect size and shape, being maternal but also ambitious, strong but also sensitive, staying youthful and fresh while gracefully accepting the aging process, looking ideal but not overdoing plastic surgery”, as she told Bored Panda, are too much to handle.

You could say the artist is passionate about women’s issues. In addition to drawing, Molnar works as a digital business strategist with content creators and women-owned business and she has written a guidebook for powerful women as well as written for women’s magazines.

But art is her true hobby—she’s been doing it for over two decades. After going into lockdown earlier this year because of the pandemic, she created a comic-style avatar of herself and began posting drawings about her daily life as a woman.

She’s always been a huge advocate of no-shame talks around taboo topics like mental health, adult friendships, and not wanting kids. Molnar hopes that women will stick together and break barriers, so these lifestyle choices are no longer considered abnormal.